Coming Soon – Ultimate Partner LIVE ’24

Check back soon as we share more details for our Capstone Event in October 2024.

Recent and Past Events

Ultimate Partner Executive Summit – May 30th, 2024

In May of 2024, over 40 leaders congregated in the studio to participate in a something special, a Leadership Summit to discuss the tectonic shifts and the role of Hyperscalers, cloud ecosystems growth, the huge  opportunity for partners and the new opportunity in the midmarket.

I wish you could have been there with us in the room, but we captured the entire event and its now available to members of the UPX Community.

Ultimate Partner Live Dallas – November 13-15th, 2023

Consider this the “double-click” from Microsoft’s Inspire Conference to provide the prescriptive guidance and executive engagement to align, leverage, and scale your Microsoft Partnership. This is a one-of-a-kind, unique event that will help you crack the code.

Access all of the footage from Ultimate Partner Live Dallas by joining the Ultimate Partner Experience Community.

Ultimate Partner Winning with Ecosystems

Hear from Microsoft leaders like Julie Sanford, Partner CMO, Dan Rippey, and many other esteemed leaders what you need to do this year. Gain valuable insights from esteemed leaders, top practitioners, and award-winning partners who tell you what you need to do now to optimize for success.

You will learn the secrets of building an effective Cloud GTM and ecosystem-led growth plan for 2024.

Access all of the footage from Ultimate Partner Live Dallas by joining the Ultimate Partner Experience Community.