225 – Empowering Partners for FY25 Success: Exclusive Interview with Microsoft’s Nicole Dezen

Nicole Dezen, Chief Partner Officer and CVP of Microsoft Global Partner Solutions, joins the Ultimate Guide to Partnering.

In the latest Ultimate Guide to Partnering episode, host Vince Menzione flew to Redmond, Washington. He sat down with Nicole Dezen, Microsoft’s Chief Partner Officer, to discuss Microsoft’s plans for its new fiscal year 25 and the evolving landscape of technology, security, and the partner ecosystem. This engaging conversation delves into the transformative power of AI, the critical importance of cybersecurity, and the collaborative efforts of Microsoft and its partners to drive innovation and safeguard the digital world.

The Transformative Power of AI

Nicole Dezen kicks off the conversation by emphasizing the revolutionary impact of AI on various industries. She highlights how AI is not just a technological advancement but a catalyst for profound change, enhancing productivity, and fostering innovation. Nicole explains how Microsoft is at the forefront of integrating AI into its products and services, ensuring that they provide smarter, more efficient solutions for their customers. This commitment to AI is part of Microsoft’s broader strategy to stay ahead in an increasingly competitive tech landscape.

Cybersecurity: A Priority Zero

In today’s digital world, cybersecurity is paramount, and Nicole stresses its importance by describing it as “priority zero” at Microsoft. She delves into the company’s proactive approach to addressing security threats, highlighting initiatives like the Secure Future Initiative (SFI). This program is designed to strengthen cybersecurity across Microsoft’s products and infrastructure, ensuring that both the company and its customers are protected against evolving cyber threats.

The Role of Partnerships

A significant portion of the conversation is dedicated to the crucial role of Microsoft’s partners. Nicole underscores how partnerships are central to Microsoft’s strategy, allowing the company to address a diverse range of customer needs effectively. She talks about the collaborative efforts and mutual trust that underpin these partnerships, emphasizing that Microsoft’s success is deeply intertwined with the success of its partners.

Geopolitical and Technological Challenges

Vince and Nicole explore the broader geopolitical and technological challenges that influence Microsoft’s strategies. The discussion covers how global changes and technological advancements shape the company’s approach to business. Nicole highlights the importance of being agile and responsive to these external factors, ensuring that Microsoft remains a leader in the tech industry.

Commitment to Innovation

Innovation is a recurring theme in the episode, with Nicole sharing insights into Microsoft’s culture of continuous improvement. She explains how the company fosters a customer-centric approach, constantly developing cutting-edge technologies to meet the ever-evolving needs of its users. This commitment to innovation is key to Microsoft’s ability to stay relevant and competitive in the fast-paced tech world.

Addressing Heightened Cybersecurity Threats

Nicole provides a detailed look at how Microsoft is tackling the increased scale and sophistication of cyber attacks. She describes the company’s comprehensive strategy, which involves bringing together various teams and resources to combat these threats effectively. This unified approach is crucial in ensuring that Microsoft can provide robust security solutions to its customers.

Integrating AI into Microsoft Products

The integration of AI into Microsoft’s products and services is another highlight of the episode. Nicole discusses how AI is being woven into the fabric of Microsoft’s offerings, enhancing their functionality and making them more intuitive for users. This integration is part of a broader vision to make AI accessible and beneficial for everyone, driving forward the digital transformation.

Fostering a Culture of Trust and Collaboration

Finally, Nicole touches on the importance of trust and collaboration within the partner ecosystem. She explains how these values are foundational to Microsoft’s partnerships, enabling the company to work closely with its partners to deliver exceptional value to customers. This culture of trust and collaboration is a key driver of Microsoft’s ongoing success.

This episode of “Ultimate Guide to Partnering” provides a deep dive into the current technological landscape and Microsoft’s role in navigating it. Nicole Dezen’s insights offer valuable perspectives for anyone interested in the intersection of technology, security, and partnerships. Her expertise and vision highlight how Microsoft and its partners are shaping the future of digital transformation, making this episode a must-listen for tech enthusiasts and professionals alike.

10 Things You Will Learn:

  1. How AI is transforming industries and enhancing productivity.
  2. The significance of cybersecurity in today’s digital world.
  3. Details about Microsoft’s Secure Future Initiative (SFI).
  4. The role of partners in Microsoft’s success.
  5. The impact of geopolitical and technological changes on business strategies.
  6. Microsoft’s approach to innovation and continuous improvement.
  7. How Microsoft integrates AI into its products and services.
  8. The importance of trust and collaboration in partnerships.
  9. Strategies for addressing heightened cybersecurity threats.
  10. Insights into Microsoft’s culture and commitment to its customers.

5 Memorable Quotes from Nicole Dezen:

  1. “We describe security as priority zero in the company.”
  2. “Microsoft feels a huge sense of responsibility to the world, to our customers, to countries, to do our part.”
  3. “The threats are more serious, more scary to people because of AI.”
  4. “This is really about bringing the entire company together to combat the increased scale, heightened sophistication of cyber attacks.”
  5. “We talk about security as priority zero and Microsoft above all else.”


This episode of “Ultimate Guide to Partnering” provides a deep dive into the current technological landscape and Microsoft’s role in navigating it. Nicole Dezen’s insights offer valuable perspectives for anyone interested in the intersection of technology, security, and partnerships. Don’t miss this enlightening conversation to understand how Microsoft and its partners are shaping the future of digital transformation.

Transcript – Created by Adobe AI

00:00:00:06 – 00:00:12:27
Microsoft has a big responsibility here as to our partners. And so we’re working on this with our partners because they play such a critical role in this. For customers.

00:00:13:00 – 00:00:29:26
Microsoft’s purpose is in service of your purpose. And again, 2024 is the year that partners come out as the leading edge of the spear, and finding this buyer intent. You show up to every meeting and demonstrate why you are relevant every day.

00:00:29:26 – 00:00:33:25
I have to force myself to make sure that I’m taking one step ahead in terms of my own learning.

00:00:33:28 – 00:00:53:27
That flywheel success is where you will build momentum and that momentum will continue, and then you feed into the other systems to say, this is what we did, this is how we did it together. Welcome back to The Ultimate Guide to Partnering. I’m Vince Minasian, your host, and my mission is to empower leaders like you to achieve your greatest results through successful partnering.

00:00:54:00 – 00:01:18:19
Today, I have a special opportunity to sit down with the leader, driving the transformation we’ve all been seeing in our world of partners running the largest partner ecosystem, an organization, and probably in the world. Nicole Dizon is the Chief partner officer at Microsoft and joins us today at Microsoft Studios for an impactful conversation. As Microsoft prepares to kick off its new fiscal year.

00:01:18:21 – 00:01:20:27
Nicole, welcome to the podcast.

00:01:21:00 – 00:01:25:23
Thanks, Vince. It’s so great to be here with you today. Really fun to get to spend time talking about partners.

00:01:25:26 – 00:01:30:19
I am so excited to talk about probably both of our favorite topics. Right? Partners?

00:01:30:19 – 00:01:31:19
Sure. For sure.

00:01:31:20 – 00:01:51:22
So you’re Microsoft’s chief partner officer, right? We used to call that the channel chief for all the way back in the day. You’ve had a rich and long history at Microsoft. We’ve been talking a little bit about that history and some of the folks that we both know. But for our listeners and viewers, can you tell us more about you, your role and the mission of your organization?

00:01:51:24 – 00:02:14:17
Absolutely. So, as you said, I have the absolute privilege of being Microsoft’s chief partner officer. So my team and I get to spend our days thinking about and helping partners to achieve their big goals delivering growth, ensuring that they have healthy, profitable businesses built on Microsoft’s platform. And the mission. And our work is directly tied to Microsoft’s mission.

00:02:14:24 – 00:02:23:03
Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization to achieve more. We think about how we do that through our amazing partner ecosystem.

00:02:23:10 – 00:02:44:19
I love that, and Microsoft’s mission is so aligned with the partner mission, right. And how these partners and how Microsoft has evolved this partner ecosystem. In fact, we were talking a little bit about this in your background and how Microsoft got started here. But, you know, Microsoft has been a visionary in terms of building out what we call the Microsoft Partner Network back in the day.

00:02:44:19 – 00:02:53:08
That’s right. And now we all refer to as ecosystem. So I’d love to do a deep dive with you on the importance of ecosystem to the success of Microsoft.

00:02:53:11 – 00:03:01:20
Absolutely. I mean, it’s in our DNA. Our heritage is partners. So we’ve been in the partner business for nearly 50 years.

00:03:01:21 – 00:03:02:26

00:03:02:29 – 00:03:27:18
and as you said at the beginning, we have the honor and responsibility of having the largest partner ecosystem in the world. It’s something I take really seriously. I think about my job and my team’s job as helping partners innovate, build and differentiate on our platform and now on our AI platform. And, you know, I think it’s an incredibly exciting time to be a partner at Microsoft.

00:03:27:20 – 00:04:06:22
this is the era of the fastest technology transformation in history. Yeah. You know, if you think about, previous technology shifts, whether it’s shift to mobile, shift to cloud shift to the internet, you know, the the platform shift and the transformation shift to AI is just so exciting. And the the fun of my job is I get to work with partners to help them build solutions, services, IP delivery practices on our AI, on our AI platform, helping them enable customers to participate in this incredible innovation.

00:04:06:24 – 00:04:25:08
You know, I’ve been chronicling the shifts. I call it the tectonic shifts we’ve been seeing right now really started before Covid, right? We talked about transformation was happening at a pretty good pace. Covid really accelerated things. Satya said seven years of transformation. In seven months, our lives have changed dramatically. We don’t even recognize that any longer. Right?

00:04:25:08 – 00:04:45:23
Or are the way we operate, the way we work. All those things have changed. but to your point, like the last 18 months have been an astounding rate of change. Yeah. And we go back to the AI moment. That was November of 2022. And then last year Satya took us through a masterclass, right, with ChatGPT open AI.

00:04:45:25 – 00:05:07:23
Microsoft leaned in in a big way here, and we can’t have a conversation today without talking about the importance of AI. You just finished, the build just two weeks ago. In fact, in the announcements at build, I’ll say copilot. Everything right? There’s so many different copilot iterations and products out there. Can you expand on this immediate opportunity here for partners?

00:05:07:25 – 00:05:37:09
Absolutely. It is really an exciting time. And you’re right. The last 18 months has just been this drumbeat of new innovation and new capability. And with every single one of those announcements, there’s partner opportunity that’s come with that. And it’s it’s thrilling. Truly thrilling. You know you talked about build. We had a really exciting build conference. We had what what I’ll call day zero, which is actually the day that we announced Copilot plus PCs to the world.

00:05:37:12 – 00:05:38:06
and as.

00:05:38:11 – 00:05:39:04

00:05:39:06 – 00:06:06:06
That’s really exciting. And, you know, this is something we’ve, we’ve actually been working on for years. And so it’s really thrilling to get to share this with the world. And the thing that’s really exciting about it is this is what gives partners an opportunity to create really advanced hardware with embedded capabilities. And this allows customers to take advantage of software tools and experiences both locally and in the cloud.

00:06:06:09 – 00:06:28:26
Yes. And then as we move ahead to build, you know, we had more than 60 announcements at build, from start here. And so many senior leaders across the company, you know, just a couple that all share their top of mind for me, beyond the windows capability, we announced lots of new tools for developers, live developers, new cost effective cloud solutions.

00:06:28:28 – 00:06:50:29
we talked about some new Azure AI services and Azure AI studio. Yes. This is going to enable partners to build new generative AI apps, both responsibly and efficiently, which is so important for customers. we’ve talked a lot about fabric, which is an incredible new platform for us. And what we announced is real time intelligence for fabric.

00:06:50:29 – 00:07:17:29
And it’s really think of it as like an end to end SaaS solution. This is going to enable partners to act on high volume times, time sensitive, granular data. Customers can make faster decisions as a result of this. But at the at its core, I think one of the most important things we did at build this year was we took the opportunity to emphasize our commitment to security and compliance in AI and cloud.

00:07:18:02 – 00:07:25:14
There’s never been a more important time for Microsoft and for our partners to protect customers environments.

00:07:25:16 – 00:08:12:08
We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with and Partner Software, the world’s leading provider of partner management technologies, serving over 4 million partners globally, and Partner excels in delivering cutting edge solutions for partner relationship management and partner marketing automation. Their robust platform offers essential tools like program compliance tracking, customizable partner journeys, and comprehensive business planning. These features empower our partner teams to swiftly transition from program design to achieving maximum value in partner is dedicated to supporting partner ecosystems everywhere and continues to innovate with new modules like Analytic Studio Design to help track and maximize the ROI of your partner program.

00:08:12:11 – 00:08:22:29
For more information, visit in partner.com.

00:08:23:01 – 00:08:51:00
You know, as we talked about tectonic shifts, we live in turbulent times as well, right? We have geopolitical unrest in our world to regional wars. we’ve seen a lot of threats by actors, nation state and criminal actors. I was at Microsoft Cybersecurity Labs just yesterday, and it’s astounding to see the work that Microsoft does front foot here to help, thwart all these threats that we see in the world.

00:08:51:02 – 00:09:06:10
I know the security is such an important topic for you, and you’ve always made security an important priority. But I, I feel the sense now that it’s even more so than it’s been in the past. Can you tell us more about that? We talked a little bit earlier, but I was hoping you could dive in a little bit more here.

00:09:06:13 – 00:09:28:27
You’re spot on. there is absolutely an increased and heightened threat for cyber security in the world. And we feel a huge responsibility to the world, to the countries that we serve, to the customers and partners that we serve as well, to be very front footed about this. So we talk about security as priority zero and Microsoft above all else.

00:09:29:00 – 00:09:57:06
we launched SFI, The Secure Future initiative in November 2023. This was really about bringing the entire company together to combat the increased scale, heightened sophistication of cyber attacks, and really advanced cybersecurity protection across our entire infrastructure. Everything we have in place today, as well as all new products. And there’s really three pillars to this. First is secure by design.

00:09:57:07 – 00:10:17:17
So I think of this as security is built into the core of any new product or service secure by default. This is about enforcing security. So it’s not optional. Turning it’s turned on. Exactly. And then the third is secure operation. And so this is about how you control and monitor for future threats.

00:10:17:22 – 00:10:20:13
And how you educate your your organization as well.

00:10:20:13 – 00:10:51:09
Right. That’s exactly right. And so we’ve been very, very speedy about rolling out new capability, rolling out new guidance. and everything we do internally that we learn internally, we share with our partners. Our partners have such an important role to play in securing the estates of our customers. And so that’s things like multi-factor authentication advancements. you know, we’re really committed to being the most secure, trusted platform.

00:10:51:11 – 00:10:54:17
And we want to enable our partners to deliver on that promise.

00:10:54:18 – 00:11:15:25
It’s such an important aspect, especially as we roll out AI and all these copilots. Right. The collaboration suite now being able to go across. But, you know, in people can be asking a question that might reference data that’s sensitive within an organization. If you haven’t locked it down. Yeah. You could be sharing internal secrets amongst people that do not have a need to know.

00:11:15:25 – 00:11:27:27
So that’s exactly right. And and there’s a great opportunity in that for partners as they think about their own practice development and educating customers and guiding customers on the best way to do that.

00:11:27:28 – 00:11:56:08
Yeah. Amazing. so I love the earnings calls because, you get such great insights from Microsoft and from society and from Amy. Satya cited an 80% increase in cloud commitments over $100 million or more. And this this leads up to a conversation I want to have with you, because I think a lot of organizations don’t necessarily recognize that these large cloud commitments are changing the buying behaviors of many organizations.

00:11:56:11 – 00:12:30:29
It’s no longer a CTO or CIO in the line of businesses making the technology purchase. It’s the board level and the CEO and CFO involved in this decision process. Right. These large commitments, and there’s over a third of $1 trillion in these cloud commitments amongst the three hyperscalers. So you see the the shift of gravity, and now the buyer is making a decision about technology, but other decisions have already been made in the organization, which is why cross-selling and marketplaces is just so such an incredible opportunity for partners to really understand and work with Microsoft more fluidly.

00:12:31:02 – 00:12:40:05
So I was hoping maybe we could dive in here on your insights and vision for both marketplaces and the role of cross-selling, which is two more of my favorite topics.

00:12:40:11 – 00:13:12:26
Yeah, I love it. no, I really, really well said. you know, the the opportunity for partners is very clear to me with marketplace and cross-sell. Certainly. And so, you know, we made a lot of investment this year in our fiscal 24 and marketplace. We’ll do more in fiscal 25 which is better. Yeah. but you know, it is in its simplest form, a marketplace is the modern way that customers can discover, use, try buy solutions on our platform.

00:13:12:28 – 00:13:42:11
There’s a very clear value proposition for customers to take those Azure commitments. We call them Max Microsoft Azure commit to consume, take those commitments and decrement them through the solutions that they buy on our marketplace. It’s a it’s very easy value proposition, but even beyond that, there’s a really great value proposition for our partners that build solutions. It’s a great way for them to showcase themselves, showcase their solutions on the marketplace.

00:13:42:11 – 00:14:12:14
And it’s, you know, this is particularly meaningful for these that may not yet be known by a customer in order to help partners even more to do that. we recently launched the ISV designation for certified Software solutions. So partners can now earn a badge. You know, they can proudly display, both on solution area capability as well as no surprise industry AI capability.

00:14:12:14 – 00:14:20:01
So this will be yet another way for customers to discover new solutions that help them advance their business strategy.

00:14:20:04 – 00:14:38:11
And we’re seeing this other, the preponderance of the millennial generation now in the buying decision. All right. So we now have a majority of these buyers and millennials, they want to get to end of job 75% of them want to get the new job without talking to a human. Right. it’s changing the buying process and respects.

00:14:38:18 – 00:14:56:27
When was the last time you took a phone call from a salesperson? I asked that question last week at our event, and nobody raised their hand. People want to buy from their trusted. And that’s where the partner ecosystem comes in. It’s such a big way because they are involved in helping educate the customers, as well as implementing trusted solutions for them.

00:14:56:27 – 00:15:08:23
Right. So to that, to your point as well, it’s just creating huge opportunity and also a build you talked about earlier, the, the opportunity now with AI and some of these generative AI models being built through Microsoft.

00:15:08:26 – 00:15:27:27
Absolutely. And you know, to to sort of put the two pieces together, we’re also infusing AI into marketplace. So, you know, AI powered, publishing capability for partners, AI assisted search for customers. And you can expect to see more of that as we go through the fiscal year.

00:15:27:27 – 00:15:37:23
This is really going to change it. I remember remember, one of the criticisms early on is, you know, how do I find my solution? Right? How has the customer find my solution? So you’re solving for that I love that.

00:15:37:25 – 00:15:38:13

00:15:38:17 – 00:15:39:27
Leaning in here in a big way.

00:15:39:28 – 00:15:43:03

00:15:43:05 – 00:16:07:22
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00:16:07:25 – 00:16:36:01
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00:17:32:16 – 00:17:50:05
Yeah, this is always the most exciting time of the year for me. We talked about Microsoft Summer and certainly the busiest time of the year for you, Nicole, and I appreciate you making time during such a busy time. But, I’d love to talk to you about how you’re turning the page. Right. Fiscal year 24 a lot of change in 24.

00:17:50:06 – 00:18:06:09
Yeah, a lot of new priorities. Right? We talked we chronicled some of those priorities, last year. Yeah. But for our viewers and for our listeners today, can you share with us where your focus is and where maybe they should be focused to help them optimize for their success with you this year?

00:18:06:11 – 00:18:39:05
Absolutely. I’ll give you a little sneak preview of fiscal 25. So it has been an incredibly exciting year for us. We’ve learned a ton. We’re going to bring all of the great insights and lessons and strengths and successes from fiscal 20 for into fiscal 25. for partners, that starts with the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner program. This is really the umbrella for all of the capabilities we enable partners with skilling readiness incentives, go to market assets, and so much more.

00:18:39:07 – 00:19:05:11
and, you know, we know that customers are looking to our partners to enable AI transformation. And so we are going to continue to lean on partners to achieve their solution designations, achieve their specializations. That’s the signal to a customer that a partner has. The skill has the capability to deliver that transformation that’s so critically important to the customer’s business.

00:19:05:13 – 00:19:31:15
You also know very well Microsoft goes to market by segment. Yes, by solution area, by industry that continues. And we’ll continue to distinguish partners that have unique capability in each of those dimensions. And we’re really focused on how we enable our partners to capitalize on that through our solution plays. And so you’ll see our investments and our skilling continue to be aligned around that.

00:19:31:20 – 00:19:32:15

00:19:32:18 – 00:19:53:20
So listen in partners because there’s a huge opportunity here on solutions on industry designations. You know there was a lot of talk when the new programs came out, maybe two years now. Right. Probably two years ago. we’re getting rid of silver and gold. we really have gotten to a better differentiation for the partner to tell their story.

00:19:53:20 – 00:19:55:06
And I think that’s exactly what you’re saying.

00:19:55:06 – 00:20:20:20
You’re you’re absolutely right. You know, the Microsoft Partner Network, we’re the home of silver and gold, so to speak, was in market for 20 years. Yeah, I think about that in technology. That’s a that’s an incredible run for a very powerful, important program. But it was time to do something new. And that’s something new. First came in October 2022 when we launched the Microsoft Cloud Partner Program.

00:20:20:20 – 00:20:50:09
And that was all designed in response to customer feedback to partner feedback. The the number one ask we had was help from partners was help me show my technical proficiency and the number one ask from customers was help me pick the right partners that have those skills. So was such a logical thing to do. So we launched that in October 2022, and then just a short eight months later, we launched the next generation of our program, the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program.

00:20:50:12 – 00:20:58:00
All of the great capability from the Microsoft Cloud Partner Program, but with AI infused throughout.

00:20:58:02 – 00:21:15:22
I love what you’re sharing here, and there’s so much opportunity for our partners, and it’s just about that time right where you generally get up on stage. And so I want, you know, kind of queuing up for this conversation that you’re going to be having with partners here in July. It feels a little bit different than in the past.

00:21:15:22 – 00:21:21:25
So I was hoping you could take us through what partners will learn and how they can lean in with you. This year.

00:21:21:28 – 00:21:43:02
It is different and I’m really excited about what we’re doing. historically in July we had Microsoft Inspire. That was our big partner event. We decided to do something different this year. Also, in response to feedback from partners, our partners have been asking us, I want to be in person and I want to be front row at your customer events.

00:21:43:02 – 00:22:15:06
And so we’re we’re going to deliver on that. we are bringing customers and partners together at our tier one event in November, ignite, very excited about this decision. But we also recognize that our fiscal year starts in July, and we’ve got to get a fast start for partners into our fiscal year. And so what we decided to do this year is take our seller readiness event, which we call m cap start and same location, same dates.

00:22:15:08 – 00:22:26:27
We’re going to do cap start for partners. So it’s now a partner readiness event as well. I’m really excited. Partners get the same information at the same time that our sellers do to have a really fast start to the fiscal year.

00:22:26:27 – 00:22:32:24
And it feels like a congruent message, right? As opposed to like we do one message for one and then we do another message for another.

00:22:32:27 – 00:22:41:21
Partners are an extension of our Salesforce. In many cases, partners are. The experience that a customer has with Microsoft is really important.

00:22:41:21 – 00:22:46:22
And you’re demonstrating that in July, which is going to be so exciting. What are the dates again for the partners?

00:22:46:22 – 00:23:10:01
So, partner event is July 10th. We’ll have a keynote. Judson Nick Parker myself really excited for that. We’ll have some replays as well. So people in every timezone will be able to take advantage of that. we’ll also have some, demand sessions for partners to go a little bit deeper on topics like marketplace, on topics like co selling.

00:23:10:03 – 00:23:24:14
Partners are always interested to hear about our incentives. And then we’ll talk about three topics, specifically three really strategic priorities for us copilot AI design wins and cyber security.

00:23:24:17 – 00:23:45:07
Three three top priorities I guess is what I would say. And ten to the partners watching and listening today. I’m sorry, Nicole, so excited to have you here at Microsoft Studios. Thank you for making the time. I know just how busy your schedule is as a former Microsoft, but what this month is and how busy you are so excited to have you with our partners in the room today.

00:23:45:10 – 00:24:02:26
I want to thank you for your leadership. Microsoft’s the the most amazing partner ecosystem in the world, really. And being being at the lead and driving the tip of the spear here for our partners. so appreciative of your time today. Thank you so much for joining Ultimate Guide to Partner.

00:24:03:03 – 00:24:06:24
Thanks so much for having me and for being such an amazing advocate for partners.

00:24:06:24 – 00:24:27:05
Thank you. it’s I’m honored and humbled to do that. So and for our viewers and listeners, I want to thank you for joining us. I want to thank you for listening and supporting Ultimate Guide to Partnering. Tell your friends about this podcast, and thank you for listening and supporting The Ultimate Guide to Partner. Thanks again for listening to this episode of Ultimate Guide to Partnering.

00:24:27:08 – 00:24:49:16
If you’ve been following our work, you know that Ultimate Partner has a unique voice grounded in the tectonic shifts and the role of the hyperscalers. If you’re ready to accelerate your own success, then I want to personally invite you to join the Ultimate Partner Experience. Whether you’re a Microsoft, Google Cloud or Amazon partner, we’re here to help you thrive.

00:24:49:18 – 00:25:16:12
We bring you cutting edge insights, expert advice, and unparalleled networking opportunities through our exclusive media podcast, live and digital events, and educational resources. In this time of tectonic shifts, staying ahead of the curve is more critical than ever. The pace of innovation is accelerating at an ever increasing rate, and you can’t rely on others for your own success.

00:25:16:14 – 00:25:46:12
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00:25:46:14 – 00:25:49:06
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