138 – Come Join Ultimate Guide to Partnering’s Fifth Birthday Celebration!

A Do You Remember Your Fifth Birthday Party?

Do you recall your 5th Birthday Party? I hope it was special. I remember mine like it was yesterday. The anticipation and excitement for all of my dear friends joining me at my house to celebrate this special day! I recently went through old family memorabilia and came across the discolored photos, evidence of the special event. My friends from preschool and the neighborhood were all there, dressed in their Sunday best. Mom baked a magnificent cake and we all played pin the tail on the donkey! What a time it was!

This week, Ultimate Guide to Partnering celebrates its 5th birthday. On February 27th, 2017 I launched the first episode with little knowledge of what I was doing at the time, but with a ton of hope and enthusiasm to create and share what I had learned about partnerships with all my friends in the technology sector.

Why a Podcast on Partnering with Technology Giants?

In 2016, I became a big fan of podcasts. I recognized an unfulfilled need in the technology sector to help partners achieve their greatest results working with the technology giants like Microsoft. While launching, I asked many of my friends in the technology sector to share their success strategies and principles to help others achieve their greatest results.

Over the last five years, I’ve been blessed to have so many amazing guests, leaders in their respective disciplines come to this platform to help our listeners achieve their greatest results. So many great principles and advice have been shared.

During the pandemic, the world was on fire. I wrote a manifesto on partnering during this time and relaunched Ultimate Guide to Partnering. I also recognized an opportunity and an obligation we in the technology sector have to be strong voices of leadership during this time of rapid change. I expanded the podcast’s mission to lift all voices and support the discourse on Diversity and Inclusion. I am also a strong proponent of mentorship and wanted early in career professionals to learn from the great achievements of my guests. Ultimately, my hope is for this body of work to be my gift.

Come Join the Party!

For this 5th Birthday celebration, I’d love for you to join the party. I plan to bring so many of these great voices back as I rerelease several great episodes with some amazing leaders. This Leader’s Series will celebrate interviews with memorable past guests like Gavriella Schuster, Lani Philips, Alysa Taylor, Melissa Mulholland, Chaitra Vedullapalli, Brea Starmer, Jennifer Didier, and more…

These leaders lift their voices to help others achieve what all believed was just potential!

I hope you join the celebration by telling your friends about Ultimate Guide to Partnering and where they can find us.

Thank you for listening and thank you for supporting Ultimate Guide to Partnering!

For 2022, I am excited to announce PartnerTap as the Founding Sponsor of Ultimate Guide to Partnering. PartnerTap is the only Partner Ecosystem Platform designed for the Enterprise. Their technology makes it easy to align Channel Teams with automated account mapping, letting you control what data you share while building a partner revenue engine. I’m so excited to have them on board and for our exciting year ahead!

My organization, Ultimate Partnerships, is also a sponsor of this episode. Ultimate Partnerships helps you get the most results from your partnerships. Get Partnerships Right – Optimize for Success – Deliver Results – Ultimate Partnerships.