#42 – Mastering the Partner to Partner Play with Josh Waldo of Nintex.

Welcome to the 42nd episode of the Ultimate Guide to Partnering. My guest for this episode of the podcast is Josh Waldo, the Chief Customer Officer for Nintex, a Global Leader in the Business Process automation market.

Josh brings more than 20 years of experience leading partner strategy, partner marketing, product marketing and customer advocacy to Nintex. Prior to joining Nintex, Josh held a number of channel leadership positions at Microsoft during his nearly 10-year tenure there, including a role as the senior director of the Global Cloud Partner strategy where he helped the company transition partners to the cloud.

Josh and I both worked at Microsoft and on Episode 33 my Guest Toby Richards referenced Nintex as a great example of a Microsoft partner that had mastered partner to partner engagement building out its own channel as many of Nintexs partners closely align as Microsoft managed partners.

In this episode, Josh and I discuss Nintexs value proposition for customers, use Case examples and market sectors they serve,  how he thinks about his channel strategy, how the technology integrated with Microsoft, what he looks for in partners and his career journey.

In this interview episode you will learn:

  1. What is Business Process Automation, key customers, markets, use cases and case study examples.
  2. How the company got started and how it has evolved with the shift to the cloud.
  3. The Nintex Partner Program and what he looks for in partners.
  4. How Nintex drives O365 utilization and Azure consumption and opportunities for growth.
  5. Advice for companies looking to partner with Nintex.
  6. Why it’s important to be focused in the line of business.
  7. Top 10 do’s and do not’s to partnering with other partners”.
  8. Career insights – early career, insights moving from Microsoft to Nintex, best career advice given and received.

You can listen to the podcast here or on iTunes, SoundCloudStitcher, Google PlayPlayer FM, other Android podcast players.

As with each of my interview and articles, I appreciate your feedback. You can reach me on Linked In or on email at vincem@cloudwavepartners.net. You can also review this podcast by going to iTunes and searching “Ultimate Guide to Partnering” and clicking on the album art and hitting the ratings link. This helps others find the podcast.

I hope you enjoy this episode!

Vince Menzione